Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"Come …"

"Come" an invitation. I sat at breakfast recently talking with a man who's life is in trouble. Many things he's done right and one thing he's failed to do - follow Christ. Sure, you can say that's not important. It wasn't important to him either. Until now. Now he's looking for answers to life's questions and he's looking for help and direction. It is during those times many people turn to the church. Often it's not about going out and proclaiming the gospel on the street corner. It's often about reaching out to the person sitting in the pew. Lord, help us that we do everything we can to make people feel welcome. I'll tell you why because I know you're asking that question. I believe that we've run off more people by the way we've treat them when they come through our doors. It's time to realize and embrace people, no matter their background, social status or appearance when they come. So I did what I do best that morning. I let him talk. You find out a whole lot about other people when you give them a chance to talk.

By the end of the conversation we had a plan of action. This plan of action was something he needs and wants to participate in. Later when I ask him in a public setting what he experienced during our experience one thing resinated like none other, an invitation. All I did was offer to meet him for breakfast, listen to his story and together help him with a plan of action. The invitation was extended and he accepted. Life begins now. Pray for him because the road ahead will not be easy. There will be ups and downs. But one thing for sure - I'll be there by his side with each step he takes. "Come"